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Interface for the initialize function on AToken


event Initialized(address underlyingAsset, address pool, address treasury, address incentivesController, uint8 aTokenDecimals, string aTokenName, string aTokenSymbol, bytes params)

Emitted when an aToken is initialized


underlyingAssetaddressThe address of the underlying asset
pooladdressThe address of the associated pool
treasuryaddressThe address of the treasury
incentivesControlleraddressThe address of the incentives controller for this aToken
aTokenDecimalsuint8The decimals of the underlying
aTokenNamestringThe name of the aToken
aTokenSymbolstringThe symbol of the aToken
paramsbytesA set of encoded parameters for additional initialization


function initialize(contract IPool pool, address treasury, address underlyingAsset, contract IAaveIncentivesController incentivesController, uint8 aTokenDecimals, string aTokenName, string aTokenSymbol, bytes params) external

Initializes the aToken


poolcontract IPoolThe pool contract that is initializing this contract
treasuryaddressThe address of the Aave treasury, receiving the fees on this aToken
underlyingAssetaddressThe address of the underlying asset of this aToken (E.g. WETH for aWETH)
incentivesControllercontract IAaveIncentivesControllerThe smart contract managing potential incentives distribution
aTokenDecimalsuint8The decimals of the aToken, same as the underlying asset's
aTokenNamestringThe name of the aToken
aTokenSymbolstringThe symbol of the aToken
paramsbytesA set of encoded parameters for additional initialization