Views on offers
Mangrove provides a number of getter functions providing views on offers and offer lists.
Public gettersβ
best(OLKey memory olKey)
Returns the offerId
of the best offer in the offer list.
- Solidity
import {IMangrove} from "@mgv/src/IMangrove.sol";
// context of the call
// IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(<address of Mangrove>));
IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(mgv));
// OLKey olkey = OLKey(<address of outbound token>, <address of inbound token>, <tick spacing>);
OLKey memory olkey = OLKey(address(base), address(quote), 1);
uint best =;
, offerDetails()
, offerData()
, and offerInfo()
Mangrove.offers(OLKey memory olKey, uint offerId)
: get an offer in packed format.Mangrove.offerDetails(OLKey memory olKey, uint offerId)
: get an offer detail in packed format.Mangrove.offerData(OLKey memory olKey, uint offerId)
: get both offer and offer detail in packed format.MgvReader.offerInfo(OLKey memory olKey, uint offerId)
: get both offer and offer detail in unpacked format.
The data pertaining to a particular offer is contained in the OfferUnpacked
and OfferDetailUnpacked
structs, which are stored as packed custom types called, respectively, OfferPacked
and OfferDetailPacked
. For on-chain calls, Mangrove provides unpacking functions to extract a particular field out of a packed structure. For off-chain calls, Mangrove also provide direct getters for the unpacked structures.
- Solidity
import {IMangrove} from "@mgv/src/IMangrove.sol";
import {MgvReader} from "@mgv/src/periphery/MgvReader.sol";
import "@mgv/src/core/MgvLib.sol";
// context of the call
// IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(<address of Mangrove>));
IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(mangroveAddress));
// MgvReader reader = MgvReader(<address of MgvReader>);
MgvReader reader = MgvReader(readerAddress);
// OLKey olKey = OLKey(<address of outbound token>, <address of inbound token>, <tick spacing>);
OLKey memory olKey = OLKey(address(base), address(quote), 1);
// Tick tick = TickLib.tickFromVolumes(<inbound amount>, <outbound amount>);
// ratio = <inbound amount> / <outbound amount>
Tick tick = TickLib.tickFromVolumes(5, 4); // ratio = 5/4 = 1.25
// creates an offer at `tick` and store its ID in ofrId
// newOfferByTick(<offer list key>, <tick>, <gives>, <gasreq>, <gasprice>)
uint ofrId = mgv.newOfferByTick(olKey, tick, 1 ether, 10_000, 20);
// getting packed offer data
Offer offer = mgv.offers(olKey, ofrId);
OfferDetail detail = mgv.offerDetails(olKey, ofrId);
(offer, detail) = mgv.offerData(olKey, ofrId);
// for all fields f of OfferUnpacked
// offer.f == offer32.f()
// for all fields f of OfferDetailUnpacked
// offerDetail.f == offerDetail32.f()
// getting unpacked offer data
// MgvReader.offerInfo(<offer list key>, <offer ID>);
(OfferUnpacked memory offer, OfferDetailUnpacked memory offerDetail) =
reader.offerInfo(olKey, offerId);
isLive(Offer offer)
An offer is live in a given Offer List if it can be matched during a market order. The view function isLive
can be used to verify whether an ID identifies a live offer (i.e. gives
is not zero) in its offer list.
- Solidity
import {IMangrove} from "@mgv/src/IMangrove.sol";
// context of the call
// IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(<address of Mangrove>));
IMangrove mgv = IMangrove(payable(mgv));
// OLKey olkey = OLKey(<address of outbound token>, <address of inbound token>, <tick spacing>);
OLKey memory olKey = OLKey(address(base), address(quote), 1);
// Tick tick = TickLib.tickFromVolumes(<inbound amount>, <outbound amount>);
// ratio = <inbound amount> / <outbound amount>
Tick tick = TickLib.tickFromVolumes(5, 4); // ratio = 5/4 = 1.25
// creates an offer at `tick` and store its ID in ofrId
// newOfferByTick(<offer list key>, <tick>, <gives>, <gasreq>, <gasprice>)
uint ofrId = mgv.newOfferByTick(olKey, tick, 1 ether, 10_000, 20);
// checking whether the offer is live in the offer list
bool isLive = mgv.offers(olKey, ofrId).isLive();
Custom typesβ
Offer data is split between OfferUnpacked
and OfferDetailUnpacked
for storage read/write optimisation (as both structs can be efficiently packed in storage).
Field | Type | Comments |
prev | uint | ID of the preceeding offer with the same tick (if the offer is live) |
next | uint | ID of the next offer with the same tick (if the offer is live) |
tick | Tick | The offer's "price" tick |
gives | uint | The amount of outbound token the offer gives |
Field | Type | Comments |
maker | address | Address of the offer maker, either an EOA or a Maker contract |
gasreq | uint | Gas required by the offer (in gas units) |
kilo_offer_gasbase | uint | Mangrove's kilo_offer_gasbase at the time the offer was posted (in 1k gas units) |
gasprice | uint | The gas price covered by the offer bounty (in Mwei per gas unit) |