Namespace: Market
Type Aliasesβ
Ζ¬ Key: Object
Parameters to identify a market on Mangrove.
The base token of the market, or a string identifying the base token.
The quote token of the market, or a string identifying the quote token.
The tick spacing of the market.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
base | string | Token |
quote | string | Token |
tickSpacing | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ KeyResolvedForCalculation: Object
Values needed for converting between ticks/prices/volumes, is a subset of
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
base | TokenCalculations |
quote | TokenCalculations |
tickSpacing | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ KeyResolved: Object
Parameters to identify a market on Mangrove - with resolved tokens.
The base token of the market.
The quote token of the market.
The tick spacing of the market.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
base | Token |
quote | Token |
tickSpacing | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ BA: "bids"
| "asks"
Identifies the bids or asks offer list.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ BS: "buy"
| "sell"
Identifies a type of order.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ MgvReader: typechain.MgvReader
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ Failure: Object
Result type for trade failures.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
offerId | number |
reason | string |
FailToDeliver? | Big |
volumeGiven? | Big |
penalty? | BigNumber |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ Success: Object
Result type for trade successes.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
offerId | number |
got | Big |
gave | Big |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ OrderSummary: Object
A summary of the result of a trade.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
olKeyHash | string |
taker | string |
fillOrKill? | boolean |
tick | number |
fillVolume | Big |
fillWants | boolean |
restingOrder? | boolean |
restingOrderId? | number |
fee? | Big |
totalGot | Big |
totalGave | Big |
partialFill | boolean |
bounty? | BigNumber |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ CleanSummary: Object
A summary of the result of cleaning.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
olKeyHash | string |
taker | string |
offersToBeCleaned | number |
bounty? | BigNumber |
offersCleaned? | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ DirtyOrderResult: Object
Order results, with a summary field that may not be set.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
txReceipt | ethers.ContractReceipt |
summary? | OrderSummary |
cleanSummary? | CleanSummary |
successes | Success [] |
tradeFailures | Failure [] |
posthookFailures | Failure [] |
offerWrites | { ba : BA ; offer : OfferSlim }[] |
restingOrder? | OfferSlim |
restingOrderId? | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ OrderResult: Omit
, "summary"
| "cleanSummary"
> & { summary
: OrderSummary
Order results, with a definite summary.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ CleanResult: Omit
, "summary"
| "cleanSummary"
> & { summary
: CleanSummary
Cleaning results, with a definite summary.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ UpdateRestingOrderResult: void
Update resting order results.
No data is returned, but the transaction may fail.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ RetractRestingOrderResult: void
Retract resting order results.
No data is returned, but the transaction may fail.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ Transaction<TResult
>: Object
A transaction that has been submitted to a market.
Market operations return this type so that the caller can track the state of the low-level transaction that has been submitted as well as the result of the market operation.
Type parametersβ
Name |
TResult |
Type declarationβ
Name | Type | Description |
result | Promise <TResult > | The result of the market transaction. Resolves when the transaction has been included on-chain. Rejects if the transaction fails. |
response | Promise <ethers.ContractTransaction > | The low-level transaction that has been submitted to the chain. |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ OrderRoute: "Mangrove"
| "MangroveOrder"
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ TradeParams: { forceRoutingToMangroveOrder?
: boolean
; slippage?
: number
; fillOrKill?
: boolean
; expiryDate?
: number
; gasLowerBound?
: ethers.BigNumberish
} & { restingOrder?
: RestingOrderParams
} & { volume
: Bigish
; limitPrice
: Bigish
} | { total
: Bigish
; limitPrice
: Bigish
} | { maxTick
: number
; fillVolume
: Bigish
; fillWants?
: boolean
} | { gives
: Bigish
; wants
: Bigish
; fillWants?
: boolean
Parameters for trading on a market.
The parameters specify the trade to be executed, and optionally a resting order to be created. These are the base parameters, which may be given:
whether to force routing to MangroveOrder, even if the market is not active.
the maximum slippage to accept, in % of the amount of quote token.
whether to fill the order completely or not at all.
the expiry date of the order, in seconds since unix epoch.
the minimum gas to use for the trade.
whether to create a resting order, and if so, the parameters for the resting order.
The remaining parameters specify the kind of trade to be executed in one of the following ways:
{volume, limitPrice}
the volume of base token to buy or sell, and the limit price to accept.{total, limitPrice}
the total amount of quote token to spend or receive, and the limit price to accept.{maxTick, fillVolume, fillWants}
the maximum tick to accept, the volume of token to buy (iffillWants=true
), or sell (iffillWants=false
, and a boolean indicating whether to try to get all the tokens that the taker wants (fillWants=true
), or, to sell all the token the taker gives (fillWants=false
).{gives, wants, fillWants}
the amount of token to sell, the amount of token to buy, and a boolean indicating whether to try to get all the tokens that the taker wants (fillWants=true
), or, to sell all the token the taker gives (fillWants=false
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ RestingOrderParams: Object
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
provision? | Bigish |
offerId? | number |
restingOrderGasreq? | number |
restingOrderGaspriceFactor? | number |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ UpdateRestingOrderParams: { offerId
: number
} & { gives
: Bigish
} | { tick
: number
} | { gives
: Bigish
; tick
: number
} | { price
: Bigish
} | { volume
: Bigish
} | { total
: Bigish
} | { price
: Bigish
; volume
: Bigish
} | { price
: Bigish
; total
: Bigish
} & Omit
, "offerId"
Parameters for updating an existing resting order.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ CleanParams: Object
Parameters for cleaning a set of offers.
an array of targets to clean, each target is an object with the following fields:
: the offer to be cleanedtakerWants
: the amount of base token (for asks) or quote token (for bids) the taker wantstick
: the tick of the offer to be cleanedgasreq
: the maximum gasreq the taker/cleaner, wants to use to clean the offer, has to be at least the same as the gasreq of the offer in order for it be cleaned.
bids or asks
the taker to impersonate, if not specified, the caller of the function will be used
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
targets | { offerId : number ; takerWants : Bigish ; tick : number ; gasreq : number }[] |
ba | BA |
taker? | string |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ RawCleanParams: Object
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
ba | BA |
olKey | OLKeyStruct |
targets | MgvLib.CleanTargetStruct [] |
taker | string |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ VolumeParams: VolumeParams
& { what
: "base"
| "quote"
Specification of how much volume to (potentially) trade on the market.
{given:100, what:"base", to:"buy"}
means buying 100 base tokens.
{given:10, what:"quote", to:"sell"})
means selling 10 quote tokens.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ DirectionlessVolumeParams: Omit
, "to"
Specification of how much volume to (potentially) trade on the market, without specifying the direction of the trade.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ OptionalParams: Object
Optional parameters for connecting to a Mangrove market - gives optional parameters for how the book cache behaves (see Market.BookOptions), and the timing of when the market is initialized.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
bookOptions | BookOptions |
noInit | boolean |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ CacheContentsOptions: { targetNumberOfTicks?
: number
} | { desiredPrice
: Bigish
} | { desiredVolume
: VolumeParams
Options that specify what the cache fetches and retains.
, desiredPrice
, and desiredVolume
are mutually exclusive.
If none of these are specified, the default is targetNumberOfTicks
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ BookOptions: CacheContentsOptions
& { chunkSize?
: number
Options that control how the book cache behaves.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ OfferSlim: Object
Offers in the book cache.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
id | number |
gasprice | number |
maker | string |
gasreq | number |
tick | number |
price | Big |
gives | Big |
wants | Big |
volume | Big |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ Offer: OfferSlim
& { nextAtTick
: number
| undefined
; prevAtTick
: number
| undefined
; gasbase
: number
Offers in the book cache, with a given gasbase and pointers to the next and
previous offer at the same tick; undefined
means no such offer, ie, the
offer is first or last at the tick.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ BookSubscriptionEvent: { name
: "OfferWrite"
} & TCM.OfferWriteEvent
| { name
: "OfferFail"
} & TCM.OfferFailEvent
| { name
: "OfferFailWithPosthookData"
} & TCM.OfferFailEvent
| { name
: "OfferSuccess"
} & TCM.OfferSuccessEvent
| { name
: "OfferSuccessWithPosthookData"
} & TCM.OfferSuccessEvent
| { name
: "OfferRetract"
} & TCM.OfferRetractEvent
| { name
: "SetActive"
} & TCM.SetActiveEvent
| { name
: "SetFee"
} & TCM.SetFeeEvent
| { name
: "SetGasbase"
} & TCM.SetGasbaseEvent
| { name
: "SetDensity96X32"
} & TCM.SetDensity96X32Event
Type for events emitted by the Mangrove market.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ BookSubscriptionCbArgument: { ba
: BA
} & { type
: "SetActive"
; active
: boolean
} | { type
: "SetFee"
; fee
: number
} | { type
: "SetGasbase"
; offerGasbase
: number
} | { type
: "SetDensity96X32"
; density
: Density
} | { offerId?
: number
; offer?
: Offer
} & { type
: "OfferWrite"
} | { type
: "OfferFail"
; taker
: string
; takerWants
: Big
; takerGives
: Big
; mgvData
: string
} | { type
: "OfferFailWithPosthookData"
; taker
: string
; takerWants
: Big
; takerGives
: Big
; mgvData
: string
} | { type
: "OfferSuccess"
; taker
: string
; takerWants
: Big
; takerGives
: Big
} | { type
: "OfferSuccessWithPosthookData"
; taker
: string
; takerWants
: Big
; takerGives
: Big
} | { type
: "OfferRetract"
The arguments passed to a an order book event callback function - see Market.subscribe.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ MarketCallback<T
>: (cbArg
: BookSubscriptionCbArgument
, event?
: BookSubscriptionEvent
, ethersLog?
: ethers.providers.Log
) => T
| Promise
A callback function that is called when an order book event occurs.
Type parametersβ
Name |
T |
Type declarationβ
βΈ (cbArg
, event?
, ethersLog?
): T
| Promise
Name | Type |
cbArg | BookSubscriptionCbArgument |
event? | BookSubscriptionEvent |
ethersLog? | ethers.providers.Log |
| Promise
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ StorableMarketCallback: MarketCallback
A type for MarketCallback that is stored in a map.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ MarketFilter: MarketCallback
A filter function that can be used to filter order book events.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ SubscriptionParam: { type
: "multiple"
} | { type
: "once"
; ok
: (...a
: any
[]) => any
; ko
: (...a
: any
[]) => any
; filter?
: (...a
: any
[]) => boolean
| Promise
> }
A subscription parameter that specifies how a subscription to order book events should behave.
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ Book: Object
Order books - an asks semibook and a bids semibook.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
asks | Semibook |
bids | Semibook |
Defined inβ
Ζ¬ VolumeEstimate: Object
A volume estimate for a trade.
Type declarationβ
Name | Type |
maxTickMatched | number | undefined |
estimatedVolume | Big |
estimatedFee | Big |
remainingFillVolume | Big |
Defined inβ